If you’re a collector of web things and prefer having them all stashed in one social location, then Publicate is the perfect fit.
In the same fashion as other social networks and web sharing services, Publicate is a place for users to collect anything they find on the web and store it in their Publicate profile. The idea is to store everything in one location rather than access bits scattered across several sites.
Through Publicate users can save photos, audio, documents, web pages, videos or upload their own data. Publicate separates the content into categories within a user’s profile, but beyond that the information is unmodified. One thing we love about Publicate is it’s copyright notice which indicates all content rights defer to the users not Publicate.
Users have individual profiles though they aren’t very robust. In fact there isn’t much to them at all except for a short about section and profile image. Of course there are followers to be had and the following format is very open like Twitter versus the stricter Facebook request process. In typical blog fashion, comments are a part of every published item which helps encourage engagement between users.
Although Publicate looks to be a one-all solution to saving and sharing things online, sharing through other social networks is available to help spread published items to friends and colleagues.
Room for Improvement
Publicate is a dandy idea and since they are in alpha stage of development we can expect more refinement from them in the future. There are some nagging issues we hope they address as they move towards beta.
One of the most important is informational instruction. Basic button labels for novices is a must. Share buttons need to be operational or removed from the site. Currently only Google Plus seems to function, but users will leave if they see other buttons that do nothing. It looks as though oauth only works for Facebook connect, but again Twitter is listed and inoperable. The option should be removed until usable. Visually, there aren’t many problems although the profile about section overlaps a cover image which is distracting.
On Their Way
Even with the typical alpha stage drawbacks, Publicate is ready to be taken for a spin. The gathering and collecting of stuff is accessible now and worth looking into. The sharing limitations are sure to be fixed before too long as well as many of the minor issues.
Publicate is a solid choice to coordinate all the things you love in one place without the need for extra logins and accounts.
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