Sliderdock for Windows is, as the name suggests, a dock for your desktop. It can be used as an additional, convenient way of accessing your applications or used as a complete replacement for all those shortcuts on the desktop.
Sliderdock is a ring-like shaped application launcher. Applications are added to the dock by simple drag and drop method and are accessed by using the scroll-wheel on your mouse or through keyboard shortcuts. The dock can be customized in terms of icon size, location of the dock, visibility and other visualization features. Icons can be of various formats including jpeg, png and gif making customization relatively easy.
Sliderdock installed seamlessly in our evaluations, but does require ‘.NET Framework 3.5 SP1’ so be sure to have that installed before proceeding. Most systems will already have it installed by default. The dock is non-invasive, intuitively moves to the background when necessary and comes to the foreground when needed.
If you’ve longed for a more visually appealing desktop like those of Mac or Linux, then you may want to give Sliderdock a try. We feel XP and Vista users in particular will benefit from the dock, while Windows 7 users will likely view it as an additional utility to compliment the improved taskbar.
Download Sliderdock
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