During one of the Lost Knowledge quests, on the way to finding black book The Sallow Regent, characters will run across what is known as an Imbuing Chamber Machine. The machine allows for creation of varying types of spiders which attack enemies with all sorts of effects.
The recipes for creating the spiders are listed below. Simply add the ingredients to the machine, then activate the imbuing chamber.
Imbuing Machine Recipes
There are a number of spider creations available. Here are the ones we know about: Tip: Use flawless gems to double the spider creation output.
- Exploding Flame Spider Ingredients: Ruby + Damaged Albino Spider Pod
- Exploding Frost Spider Ingredients: Sapphire + Damaged Albino Spider Pod
- Exploding Shock Spider Ingredients: Amethyst + Damaged Albino Spider Pod
- Flame Cloaked Spider Ingredients: Ruby + Salt Pile + Albino Spider Pod
- Frost Cloaked Spider Ingredients: Sapphire + Salt Pile + Albino Spider Pod
- Jumping Flame Spider Ingredients: Ruby + Albino Spider Pod
- Jumping Frost Spider Ingredients: Sapphire + Albino Spider Pod
- Jumping Poison Spider Ingredients: Emerald + Albino Spider Pod
- Jumping Shock Spider Ingredients: Amethyst + Albino Spider Pod
- Mind Control Spider Ingredients: Soul Gem (filled; the larger the gem the more potent the spider) + Albino Spider Pod
- Oil Spider Ingredients: Dwarven Oil + Albino Spider Pod
- Poison Cloaked Spider Ingredients: Emerald + Salt Pile + Albino Spider Pod
- Shock Cloaked Spider Ingredients: Amethyst + Salt Pile + Albino Spider Pod
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Awesome help; thanks so much.