This Nifty Website is specifically for our friends across the pond. is a peer based marketplace for services. That’s a fancy way of saying an errand board for those who are nearby to the interested party. might, at first, be mistaken for a job board while in fact it is an errand board for quick or odd jobs that people just don’t have the time or expertise to accomplish. Examples might be grocery pickup or bake sale item preparation. The service works by users posting errands with an amount they’re willing to pay someone to perform the task. Completion of an errand/task means an increase in trusted score and overall level in order to rank both posters and helpers.
The service is in beta and only available in parts of Europe at the moment. Users interested in earning some extra cash can sign-up to gain early access and start performing odd jobs right away. Peer-to-peer services could prove to be a revolution for sole proprietors looking to get their business off the ground and a sure fire way to shift from the idea of paying for high priced services in favor of local, community developed service grapevines. With some exponential success it isn’t too off base to think this type of marketplace could eventually make it to the states.
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