Beyond Death is a quick quest, but one can easily get distracted by the vast area. If you want to complete this quest and continue on quickly with the main Dawnguard storyline, then stick to the main path.
Note: Players can return to the Soul Cairn at a later time to complete side quests.
How To Find and Reach Valerica
- Following the map and path, Valerica is at one of the larger spire type fortress areas. Following the map marker makes it easy. Note: You must have Serana with you in order to trigger Valerica and her conversation.
- After speaking with Valerica, find and defeat the 3 Boneyard Keepers if you haven’t already. The 3 are located near Valerica’s location but in their own pillar area. Two are easy to find via compass/map. The third is located on a floating island and the map will lead you to a soul well which looks like any other. Jump into it to be transported to the floating island. Tip: If you are lower level or have trouble defeating the Keepers, you can use Unrelenting Force for the floating island Keeper to blow him off the edge.
- Return to Valerica and follow her.
- Slay the dragon Durnehviir. He is surprisingly easy.
- Go to Valerica and obtain the Elder Scroll (Blood) from the case.
- Exit the area to trigger a conversation with Durnehviir. He rewards you with Durnehviir’s Shout which allows you to summon him as a battle ally.
A 20G Achievement is rewarded for completion of Beyond Death (Xbox).
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