Twitter is a place for sharing and discovering new things from all types of people and sources. However, there are times when the sharing is less than quality and at times inane. Here’s my personal list of twitter updates that drive me insane.
5. Repeating Others Tweets Verbatim And Claiming It As Your Own
There are a lot of Twitter users who for lack of a better term, copy and paste other user’s tweets, then tweet it as their own. I’m not talking about re-tweeting, that is fine. In fact, I encourage others to re-tweet, it’s a productive use of the feature and spreads relevant or interesting content out to as many individuals as possible. I’m talking about the users who copy word for word the exact same tweet content as the original tweeter.
It makes me insane for a couple of reasons. First, it’s pointless. It’s hard to believe those users have nothing better to do or contribute than to copy and paste tweets from other users. Second, it clutters up the timeline/feed. I don’t need to see the same tweet 20 times within an hour period from 20 different users. Third, the users guilty of this offense are adding white noise to Twitter, meaning people stop reading and paying attention to tweets. Eventually that kind of thing hurts the overall product. If you want to share a story or tweet, then re-tweet it.
4. Any And All Foursquare Updates
This one is like nails scratching on a chalkboard. I could care less who ousted who as Mayor of somestupidplaceville. The words ousted and Mayor were gradually gravitating to my list of hated words when I started to wonder why. Then it hit me, the constant, unending, ridiculous Foursquare updates. Who is this update for? Do other Foursquare users even care? I can’t believe anyone wants to hear those updates or even cares about them and frankly if you do, then you’re part of the problem. Enough with the Foursquare updates, please!
As a side note, the EmpireAvenue updates are grating my nerves as well.
3. The Shove It Down Your Throat Post Method
Most of us have seen it. There are some users who crave attention so bad, that they need to flood the feed with posts so that they are the only ones noticed for a split second or two. They send out multiple tweets all at the same time so you’re left with a feed full of only their tweets. Other than this being annoying, I have a bit of news for users who do this — you’re probably being ignored. Everytime I see this come across my feed, I just scroll by it as though it’s spam. Now certainly I could un-follow the users in question and many times I have, but the responsibility falls on the Twitter user to control their tweets.
2. Private Conversations
Twitter has been around long enough for users to know it’s not private. Anything and everything is seen publicly unless it’s sent in a direct message. Yet, there are still those that converse back and forth as though they are the only ones reading it and treat Twitter as their own personal SMS service.
Listen up those of you guilty of this. Other people are reading your tweets and ALL of your tweets are public. If you ever wonder why someone replied to you or how they found you on Twitter, then you aren’t getting it. If you live in east-ja-bip, I and everyone else can see your tweets and we can and may reply to them. Try to come to grips with that.
1. The My Agenda Or No Agenda Tweets
This one really bothers me. Twitter is what it is and each user will define their roll in it on their own and within their own guidelines. The last thing anyone needs on Twitter is someone on a soapbox proclaiming Twitter should be used like this or like that. The audacity to tell or encourage others to un-follow if a user hasn’t tweeted in a couple days or to tweet only on specific topics or whatever other agenda they’re pushing.
What if someone has surgery and can’t tweet for a couple days? Maybe you follow an astronaut, I’ll bet at times they are too busy to tweet for a couple of days. They deserve to be un-followed? If you’re following someone, then you must have thought they had something useful to offer. If not, un-follow them, but not for some asinine time limit.
Final Thoughts
While I may hate those five types of tweets, I’ll never call anyone out and tell them to stop posting them. You can use Twitter however you like, this is just my Rant about my distaste for specific tweets.
Your Thoughts
What are your most hated tweets? Do you agree or disagree with any of my choices? Let your opinion be known in the comments!
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