Butter Lion Memo
If there’s one category of app we can count on, it’s note-taking apps. They’re so versatile and necessary for gathering and saving information on the go. That being said, it’s no surprise there are a great many of them available ranging from complete suites to standard note taking. Butter Lion Memo is a note-taking app that decorates the notes with stationery flare.
Butter Lion Memo lands on the standard note-taking end of the scale. The display mimics that of a stationery notepad with colorful backgrounds and avatar for each note. The app has the typical title and content area and is a plain text only environment.
The interface is easy to navigate with the home screen offering a list of the notes along with a new note and delete button. Within a note are edit, delete and mail. The mail function works with email apps for sending, sharing and backing up notes. The only real downside of the app is the startup sound which on it’s own isn’t overly annoying, however it cannot be silenced even if the phone is in vibrate or silent mode. We had zero problems with stability and the app performed as intended in every test.
Butter Lion Memo isn’t the most feature rich note-taking app on the market, but not everyone needs or wants tons of features and menus either. If you’re looking for an easy to use, simple note-taking app with a bit of personality, then checkout Butter Lion Memo. Butter Lion Memo is available for .99¢ from the Android Market, Amazon AppStore and iTunes App Store.

Download Butter Lion Memo for Android
Download Butter Lion Memo for iTunes
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